Website disclaimer
www.photosfromkatrina.com (Photos From Katrina - Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast) is an independent
online publication, designed solely for informational and educational purposes
Created in December, 2005 and January, 2006, the majority of the Hurricane Katrina photos on this site were shot between
August 31, 2005 and September 30, 2005. These copyrighted photos may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without
permission. However, you are welcome to reference this site, including linking to either the home page or specific pages
from another site
If you would like to contribute a photo, link or other information,
please send an email to info@photosfromkatrina.com. Please include your
name, photographer name (if different), photo and description if applicable. Please only send photos that you have taken
or have permission to display publicly
Website created and maintained by Brendan Holder
& Website © Copyright 2005-2023- www.photosfromkatrina.com / www.brendanholder.com.
All rights reserved